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Art 1280 Photoshop

A collection of projects completed as part of the class 

Creative Project 1 - New to Old

      The assignment was to make a new image look older. I decided to go the way of the film camera! This was created by "Aging" the image to look more vintage through the use of adjustments, filters, and textures. Then, I warped the image and added a border to sell it.

Creative Project 2 - Ref Painting

      For this one, we were supposed to get the hang of painted elements for photoshop. Lucky for me, I am an illustrator by career choice so there wasn't much for me to struggle with. 

Creative Project 5 - Movie Poster

      A little bit of a doozie, This one. The image was 45% missing and torn, with folds throughout each face and detail. There was no colour, no corners, and no ideas what the rest of their bodies looked like. So i tried my best with stamp and fill tools! Painting quickly (My time was up)

Creative Project 4 - Album Cover

      To begin with, I looked for an image that i could use. But I found nothing that I liked. So i painted a background image to use. Next came the text, and song selection. I decided to use Kurokotei's music names for the 7 tracks. 

Creative Project 5 - Movie Poster

      A movie poster is very fun to make. With my selected theme being an alien invasion I made sure to make use of scale, colours, painting, photo editing, typography, and maybe the rest of the book too. 

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